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Dino Trips 10 Best Places to Vacation with Dinosaurs in North America.  For more fun on your family vacation just add a dinosaur or maybe two and wait for the squeals, shouts, smiles and non-stop questions to begin.
Here’s the scoop. Our newest vacation folder - Dino Trips - highlights the best places to see old bones, dig for fossils, and learn more about pre historic times when dinosaurs, wooly mammoths, and saber tooth tigers populated the planet. It describes the best places to view a Brontosaurs, Stegosaurus or T. rex and where to find the nearest Dinosaurs Alive! location.
According to Fred Rogers from the popular TV show Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Dino Trips combine fun and learning with family vacation time. Seeing the biggest of dinosaurs and using big words to match is child’s play and meant to be shared. 
Family fun and learning go hand-in-hand. Dino Trips features an array of exceptional experiences from awesome techno dinosaurs at The Natural Science Museum in Greensboro and giant dinosaur puppets at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History to Dinosaurs Live! at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago and the enchanting pathways of Dinosaur World in Florida. The Royal Tyrell Museum in Alberta offers topnotch dinosaur experiences and T. rex Discovery Centre in Saskatchewan provides access to an actual dig site. The possibilities for fun and learning are endless.
Dino Trips spell fun for all ages. Our staff and readers weighed in to name the top 10 dino spots based on the selection of dinosaur specimens on view and the number of oportunies for families to share hands-on experiences:
1. Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2. Royal Tyrell Museum in Alberta, Canada
3. Dinosaur Center in Thermopolis, Wyoming
4. Dinosaur Journey Museum in Fruita, Colorado
5. Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles, California
6. Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois
7. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC
8. Fernbank in Atlanta, Georgia
9. American Museum of Natural History in New York City
10. Museum of Science and Industry in Fort Worth, Texas
 A complete menu of places to vacation with dinosaurs may be viewed in the Dino Trips folder. For the latest family travel, dino news follow The Family Travel Files on Twitter (@FamTravelFiles) straight from the homepage.
Content by Nancy Nelson-Duac, Curator of the Good Stuff for the Family Travel Images by Family Ttravel Files staff and W. Klein at Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Copyright updated 2017.