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Space Coast Family Adventures Include Treetop Treks, Ziplining, and Sand Sculptures. Just imagine treetop trekking, ziplining, and awesome sand sculptures all in one day at the Brevard County Zoo. 
Here’s the scoop. Brevard County Zoo is a terrific place for families any day of the year. The grounds are beautiful, the animals intriguing, and the array of interactive activities compelling. From guided kayaking into the wilds and gliding through the tree tops to animal encounters and interactive programs, the choices are many. And added bonus from now through the end of May a special exhibition dubbed Wild Florida: Past, Present and Future features works from world-famous sand sculptors from the US, Canada Netherlands, and Russia.
In addition to the Art of Sand exhibit, the Brevard Zoo is conducting various special events and a sand camp. Visitors are invited to travel back in time 500 years with Juan Ponce de Leon’s crew as they discover La Florida.
Time travel at the zoo. Join Ponce de Leon’s expedition as they discover native animals of La Florida. Encounter things never before seen in 1513 on this amazing journey. The evening adventure includes family activities, animal encounter, guided zoo excursion and plenty of family fun. 
Join a night hike adventure. “Sandsational” investigators assist participants as they sculpt their way through time investigating Florida animals of the past, present and future. The adventure is ideal for ages five to 12. The hike also includes an Art of Sand exhibit tour.
Wait for it! Now active families may also add ziplinging and a treetop obstacle path to any visit to the Brevard County Zoo. The adventure includes varying degrees of thrills using tightropes, crab walks, jungle bridges, nets, and ziplines of course to move among the trees. The beginner’s
course offers 20 challenges including bridges, tightropes, and zip lines. Adventurers young and old access five treetop challenges and glide along two zip lines on the course. In addition to the thrill of motion participants are surrounded by natural beauty and get a look at parts of the Zoo and its residents. Ideal for thrill seeking teens “The Treetop Challenge” course includes the canopy walk plus several high-stakes challenges and zip lines at 40 feet above the ground. Adventurers zip more than 700 feet across the wetlands with alligators (not robotic) in sight.
Make it happen. For more information about the Brevard Zoo and their upcoming events, visit their main website. Brevard Zoo 8225 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32940. (321)254-9453 or Space Coast Spring Break Family Vacations. A family spring break along the Space Coast offers multiple ways to have fun. Parents or grandparents have always had the security of knowing the beach is ideal, and the weather will match. It is an ideal base for taking a short cruise to the Bahamas or spending an inspiring day on Cape Kennedy at NASA. The Melbourne/Cocoa Beach area along Florida’s Atlantic Coast offers amazing experiences adding value to any family beach vacation. Content researched and written by Lisa Kamps. Images provided by Brevard County Zoo and a staff onsite visit. Copyright 2014.