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Denver Zoo - Take Your Kids to the Edge. Take your kids or grand kids and share a mini journey to Asia to watch Nikita, a young Amur tiger who is the newest feline to join the zoo community, as she investigates her new home with her brothers. 
Here’s the scoop: The Edge. The good news is that the cats have 50% more space and for visitors the viewing will be terrific because the exhibit pathways will be closer than ever and rounded, connecting bridges will allow tigers to stride 12 feet over visitors’ heads. The inside of the exhibit’s guest viewing area will feature a perforated wall with small holes forming an artistic design. As guests walk closer, the design will appear to fade away as they discover those holes lead directly into the yards, six exposed inches from the 400 pound cats.
The exhibit is called The Edge for several reasons. First, to illustrate just how close visitors can get to the tigers. Second, to reflect the appearance of the new exhibit, which looks as though it’s on the edge of a forest. Finally, to serve as a reminder to visitors that although the species is on the edge of extinction, with continued conservation efforts, Amur tigers can be saved.
It is relevant to note that Amur tigers (once called Siberian tigers) are classified as endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with an estimated population of less than 400 individuals remaining in the wild. 
If the weather is less than perfect on the day of any visit, the zoo offers several indoor options. My two favorites, the Lorikeet Adventure where it is possible to walk within an open aviary populated with tiny, brightly colored, very active, curious lorikeets and the aquarium exhibit with its impressive collection of very viewable fishes and corals. The best place to find a curious clown fish and absolutely amzing living corals and sponges.
Who does not love the umbrellas for sale near the entrance? Makes me wish for rain.
Bonus Points: The Denver Zoo website has several zoo safari itinteries crafted specifcally for families making it very easy to for parents or grandparents to enjoy a directed yet enjoyable time together. The thoughtul suggestions define quality time by making it easy to learn together.
Location on the planet. Denver Zoo 2300 Steele St., Denver, CO 80205. (720) 337-1400 or
Content researched and posted by Nancy Nelson-Duac, Curator of the Good Stuff for the Family Travel Files. Image of Nikita provided by Denver Zoo. Additional images FTF image library. Copyright 2017.