Corn Mazes, Cranberries and Best Ever Agri-Adventures in Massachusetts. 
Harvest festivals in Massachusetts offer families an opportunity to get away for a bit, disconnect, and unwind while selecting the perfect pumpkin, navigating a corn maze or tasting luscious cranberries.
Marini Farm Corn Maze and Agri-Adventure near Ipswich (early September to early November). This is not the typical corn maze because along its 10 miles of pathways there are too many questions to answer. Each season the farm staff creates themed interactive and educational activities with fun in mind. For young participants, game sheets are provided along with corn maze rules and suggestions to increase the challenge and the fun factor. For tykes there is also a mini hay bale maze.

Marni Farm Giant Spider Web Adventure in Ipswitch, Massachusetts During maze time visitors may also fire an apple cannon; climb about a larger-than-life spider web; board a giant wooden tractor; enjoy a hay ride or browse the pumpkin patch for the perfect pumpkin.
Bonus Points: If sunshine on corn stalks is not enough then Marni’s Flashlight Nights offered on select weekends may be just the thing for your family. (The farm is located at 259 Linebrook Road in Ipswich, Massachusetts 01938. (978) 238-9FUN) or
Cidar Hill Farm - Pick your own apples & pumpkin near Amesbury (early September to late November). This farm is a terrific place to visit during the summer months and becomes even better after Labor Day when harvesting is in full swing. From climbing on hay bales and taking a wagon ride to the pumpkin patch to picking your own apples or peaches and watching the pigs and Red Star chickens (free range of course), it is a busy place.

One of the coolest things about any visit to Cidar Hill is the bee hive observation station located within the store. It’s the place to observe the daily lives of an actual working colony complete with queen and worker bees. Cider Hill Farm is known for making the best apple cider in Massachusetts made with a blend of 7 to 12 varieties of apples.
Bonus Points: As the days turn cooler they serve a hot cider donut with a cup of mulled cider - simply the best. (Cider Hill Farm one mile north of the center of Amesbury on Route 150 at 45 Fern Avenue. (978)388-5525 or
Cranberry Harvest Celebration in Warehamn (beginning of October). The Cape Cod Cranberry Growers’ Association invites families to enjoy “two big days for a little berry” at the annual Cranberry Harvest Celebration this fall. Festival activities will include cranberry harvest tours, wagon and pony rides, games and crafts for kids, juried crafters and artisans, musical performances, cooking demonstrations, and helicopter rides.
Best Part: There's a chance to watch the cranberries being harvested from the bogs and to sample - yes all things cranberry. (A.D. Makepeace Company Headquarters at Tihonet Village, 158 Tihonet Road, Wareham. (508) 322-4000, 759-1041 or
You will find many more corn mazes and agri-adventures in out
aMAZEing Fun folder. Our next round up will include family-friendly winter celebrations, and Santa trains. We are building the list right now and would love to have your feedback. So just
"Tell Mom!"