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Five of New York's Best Corn Mazes, and Agri-Adventures. Create your own family agri-adventure complete with corn stalks, pumpkins, fresh apple cider, and wagon rides. Run through a corn maze with your kids or find the perfect pumpkin for the porch. 
We have suggestions from parents about the best spots to relax and have corny fun in New York State. The suggestions are distinctly screen free and include not just cornstalks and pumpkins but agri-puzzles, farm animal encouters, country dances, moonlight maze quests, and frightful tour through the scary haunted places. See what it takes to be the best. 
Liberty Ridge Farm Fall Festival Adventures in Schaghticoke (mid-September to mid-November). At the heart of the annual fall festivities is a 12-acre maze cut through 13 foot tall corn stalks which often requires technical assistance to navigate. Each week Sunday through Thursday, the Farm is open until 8pm for a night scramble. The agri-adventure complex includes oodles of ways to have fun with kids of all ages. From cow-train rides, trolley rides, peddle cars, a giant jumping pillow, and pumpkin cannons to pig races, duckie races, giant gerbil wheels and a sand mountain, no one will be bored. Add to the list a bee barn, rabbit town, and Brad’s Barnyard Adventure. Bonus Points: To add to the maze experience Liberty has created a passport game; they have enabled corn texting for navigational clues and maze themed information; crafted “cornundrums” - fun mind-twisting puzzles that are posted on signs throughout the maze and farm. Wait for it! Friday and Saturday nights during October as darkness settles over the land farm, the spooky section of the maze is opened and guests are invited to meander through Forest of Fear; get lost in the all new Field of Screams; escape the Wild Fort HuntD. (29 Bevis Rd Schaghticoke, NY 12154. (518) 664-1515 or Liberty Ridge Farm) 
Critz Farms Harvest Celebration in Cazenovia (September to the end of October). From a petting zoo with more than twenty animals to pony rides for tykes and slides for older kids this location provides family adventures for everyone. They have a 10-acre corn maze as well as a hay bale maze for little ones. On Sunday afternoons there is live musical entertainment to compliment the country gourmet café. Wagons loaded with hay take visitors to the pumpkin field. Special events include a children's pedal tractor-pull, and magic shows. The Kiddie Corral children's play area has a 45-foot wooden train. Bonus Points: A haunted barn in the spirit of a "spook house" for the 3-10 year old crowd is created on select weekends. Wait for it! Critz Farms visitors are invited for apple picking on weekends beginning in mid-September and continuing into October. (Critz Farms 3232 Rippleton Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Toll-free 1-800-442-3225 or
Queens Country Farm Museum Amazing Maize Maze in Floral Park (mid-September to late October). Size is not always a measure of quality. At the heart of the 47-acre homestead not far from historic farm buildings, a greenhouse complex, resident livestock, an orchard, and an herb garden is a delightful 3-acre interactive corn field adventure with puzzles and clues hidden along the pathways and supported by corn-styled phones used to "tele-stalk" for help. In addition to the compact maze quest visitors are treated to magic shows, country and western music and dance, and other seasonal family activities including a pumpkin field. Bonus Points: On Saturdays and Sundays April through October the Museum offers free tours of the historic Adriance Farmhouse, and hayrides for $2 per person. Wait for it! On select nights in October wander the maze by moonlight. Visit the haunted house for thrills; take a hayride; get Halloween treats and sip mulled cider. (73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park, New York, 11004. (718) 347-3276 or 
Zarpentine Farms Corn Maize & Harvest Market in Hilton (mid-September to the end of October). Wander through one of the largest corn mazes in the country playing an interactive game along the way. Add to the maze outing the chance to take home amazing farm-fresh, corn, pumpkins, apples, gourds and preserves. During weekends in September enjoy lively, narrated farm wagon rides through apple orchards, Maple woods, and around the corn maize and back. Bonus Points: In October the rides after sunset become slightly scary in a fun sort of way. (163 Burritt Rd Hilton, NY 14468. (585) 392-3611 or
Blackthorne’s Massacre Mansion - Haunted House in East Durham (late September - October). Located between the Hudson River and the Catskill Mountains two hours north of New York City, Greene County has embraced family vacationers for more than a century. Take a frightful guided tour in the scariest haunted house in the Catskills. Explore Massacre Mansion consists of a haunted Gothic style graveyard which is kept up by “Crazy Joe” the grave digger and those who are brave dare enter the house haunted by Dr. Angus Fear and his brother Edger. Best Part: When you leave the house, and dark maze head to Wolf Hollow Trail. (Blackthorne Resort, 348 Sunside Rd., East Durham. (518) 634-2541 or
 View additonal corn mazes and fall festivals in our aMAZEing Fun folder featuring other locations in the Northeast inlcuding Massachusetts.
Content researched and poste dby Nancy Nelson-Duac, Curator of the Good Stuff for the Family Travel Files. Images courtesy Crizt Farms, Liberty Ridge Farm, and Zarpentine Farms. Copyright updated 2015.