We love to travel, with kids and without, traveling as often as our schedules permit with each trip seemingly better than the last.
Two of us started the Family Travel Files in 1998. Lisa Kamps-Duac is publisher and Nancy Nelson-Duac is Curator of the Good Stuff. We have kids and grand kids and are still traveling whenever possible.
What do we do? We dig for the “good stuff” and share our discoveries. Our intent is to provide the reasons for parents and grandparents to make plans to travel. In addition to a base staff we work with a network of family travel writers to provide new ideas and fresh vacation options for our readers.
Why is a website dedicated to family travel important? Adults with kids living at home have limited time to spend searching for family vacation ideas. While large travel booking sites provide dozens of travel “deals,” few are really for families and those that are provide limited information about the vacation experience. The reverse is true at our site. Our pages showcase family vacation ideas 24/7 and 365. We do not make reservations. Our business model maximizes vertical linking providing the best experience for our readers and the maximum results for our travel partners who offer travel vacations to our readers.
How do we put it all together? We research, travel, and interview, with the intent of improving the online planning experience for families. The information is showcased several ways. Our homepage is an electronic magazine with new and interesting vacation ideas for families in rotation weekly. Our vacation directory is loaded with family vacation product provided by our partners. They offer family vacations and family vacation packages that are truly for families. The banner ad mix at our site contains only relevant family travel product.
We agree with Maya Angelou, “Human beings are more alike than unalike, and what is true anywhere is true everywhere. I encourage travel to as many destinations as possible for the sake of education, as well as pleasure.”
Lisa Kamps-Duac Founder/Publisher 16913 Rolling Rock Drive Tampa, Florida 33618. Phone: 1.813.494.3399
Nancy Nelson-Duac Founder/Executive Editor 1820 Long Creek Granbury, Texas 76049. 1.817.964.2538